Allen Nickels has been awarded a space (20 x 26) in the I-X Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Allen will build a Steam Train Display and will need help in setting it up and work with him the days it is open to the public and then help take the display down. This show will be good publicity for NOGRS Train Club. We need your help. Volunteers will be needed on 3 days and 4 time slots.
Friday March 22nd build display from 11:AM TO 6:PM ?
Saturday March 23rd Prepare for show 8:am to 10:am. Show runs from 10:am to 5:pm for the public.
Sunday March 24th Prepare for show 9:am to 10:am. Show runs from 10:am to 4:pm for the public.
Sunday evening from 4:pm to 11:pm, take down the display. (Should take about an hour)
Please contact Allen Nickels 440-661-3073 or Ralph Boyer 419-433-2559 with all questions and to sign-up.
We Used The Magic Word